
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Aria's 3 Month Update

Another month has come and gone, and Ari is getting so big! We didn't have a doctors appointment this month so there isn't an official weight, but from our scale we are estimating she is around 12.5 lbs. She is also officially in her 3-6 month clothing, though some of her 0-3 do still fit. Aria has become so alert, looking at everything going on around her.  She also has developed great neck control and can hold her head up for a long time unsupported.  Some of her favorite things to do now are watch cartoons, laugh and chit chat!  It is so funny because her small baby chuckle has now turned into a full blown laugh and we can't get enough! Lately, she has been getting the hiccups and they make her giggle hysterically, it's so funny! Some of her favorite cartoons are Pooh Bear, My Little Pony and Mick Mouse Clubhouse.  I am not sure if its the colors or the characters, but she is mesmerized by the shows, and I can often hear her laughing and kicking while watching them.  Some other recent developments are the discovery of her hands and excessive drooling.  You can often find her with her fist in her mouth or blowing spit bubbles.  I will say this every month, but watching her grow and develop has been one of our greatest joys!  It is so fun watching her little personality form. I can already tell she will be keeping us on our toes!

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